Dr. Eshan Nerkar - Neurologist

Posted 2 years ago
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Dr. Eshan Nerkar - Neurologist

Posted 2 years ago


Dr. Eshan Nerkar is one of the best Neurosurgeons based in Nashik. He has vast knowledge and expertise as a Brain and Spine Surgeon consultant. He is also the founder of Axon brain and spine clinic, which provides holistic care to every patient.


Experience (Years): 10+ Years
Specialist: Neuro Trauma Surgery(Head Injury Surgery), Brain Trauma Surgery, Stroke Care Cerebrovascular disease, Pediatric Neurosurgery, Hydrocephalus Surgery, Migraine and Headache Treatment, Vertigo (BPPV), Facial palsy(Bell’s palsy), Spine Surgery & Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery, Spinal Disorders, Neck and Back Pain Clinic, Spondylosis (cervical and lumber spondylosis), Pain Clinic, Spine and Brain Neurorehabilitation, Physiotherapy, Neuro Electrophysiology (EEG,NCS,EMG,VEP).
Address: Axon Brain and Spine Clinic 107, Shrenath Enclave, Shri Hari Kute Marg, near Sandip Hotel, Mumbai Naka, Nashik, Maharashtra 422002
Consultation Fee: 600
Email Address: social.dreshannerkar@gmail.com
Contact No.: 9970846912
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Dr. Eshan Nerkar - Neurosurgeon
Dr. Eshan Nerkar - Neurosurgeon Registered for 2+ years Last online 2 years ago
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    Dr. Eshan Nerkar - Neurosurgeon
    Dr. Eshan Nerkar - Neurosurgeon
    3 active listings
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    Registered for 2+ years
    Last online 2 years ago
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    Shrenath Enclave, Shri Hari Kute Marg, Near Sandip Hotel, Mumbai Naka, Nashik, Maharashtra 422002, Nashik, Nashik, Maharashtra, India

    Stay safe!

    Dr. Eshan Nerkar - Neurologist by Dr. Eshan Nerkar - Neurosurgeon